Link to Book Freedoms Lost

To access the book I have written please go to Amazon books.

It is called: Freedoms Lost: Democracy under threat.

It is a historical fiction set in the time period February 2023 to April 2024.

The characters are entirely fictional but the events they experience and their discussions

are all based on true events and are referenced.

The main character is a young woman just starting as a translator at the UN in Geneva.

She is concerned that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is under threat.

Her discussions with family and friends occur while walking around lakes, along rivers and avenues and up mountains.

the issues debated include historical narratives about the origins of democracy and the

Judeo-Christian Tradition, International Communism, loss of our freedoms and food security in the light of

the current Grand Solar Minimum.

Below is a video from the Bible Society. it echoes two of the main themes of my book –

The importance of the Christian faith and a love of mountains